JRF-The recognized leader in all things analog
2-inch 24-track Studer block
JRF is your source for
Head Reconditioning
Replacement/Custom Heads
Digital/Optical Head Assembly Alignment
Custom Head and Head Assembly Design
Nortronics Professional and Consumer Replacement Heads
Replacement Parts for pro audio recorders and tape duplicating equipment
JRF Introduction
We'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to JRF Magnetic Sciences, our products, and services. Since 1979, our main objective has been to offer the recording industry the absolute finest in premium quality magnetic heads, related products, and customer service. This original philosophy continues to be our main objective today!

JRF Magnetic Sciences is proud to offer our completely equipped lab facility dedicated to providing fast, complete, and professional reconditioning of magnetic heads used in/by recording studios, tape duplicating facilities, film and video houses, broadcasters, mastering labs, equipment manufacturers, and service organizations. The JRF relapping procedure is designed to insure absolute maximum life and performance from your recontoured magnetic heads.

Our product line includes a wide range of replacement magnetic heads, many designed by JRF and manufactured to our stringent specifications. The manufacturers and vendors we represent have been carefully chosen based on quality, consistency, and their ability to supply specific segments of our product line.
Click on any link on the left menu bar to get more information on our services and products, to ask a question, or to get a printable work order form. Click anywhere on the heading to return to this home page.
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Website designed by Jim Barg of BSS Media, Browns Mills, NJ.
All site-related inquiries or problems should be directed to the webmaster.